Get Connected Discipleship Ministry

Discipleship Ministry

Church Elder Praying for Youth
Change Grow Inspire

If people hear the good news and respond to it, where are they to go from there? Discipleship, which also includes sharing the gospel, is integral to the life of the church and believers. No matter your age, if you are a follower of Jesus you are called to disciple others and be discipled yourself. We believe discipleship should be part of every ministry at Gospel Chapel. We are a community helping one another grow in depth with their relationship to Jesus.

Gospel Chapel invites individuals to connect and grow with one another in several ways:

Discipleship Triads

Study Share Support

These small groups consist of 3 participants of the same gender who meet regularly in person, online, or by phone. They are a mixture of ages and experience, from new believers to mature disciples, with one goal in mind - to go deeper in their relationship with Christ and with one another.

If you are interested in becoming a leader, facilitator or host, or if you would like to be linked up with a Community Group or Discipleship Triad, please contact Gary and Carolynne Friesen at for more information.

Community Groups

Grow Together

As a church experiences growth, it's important for people to remain connected with one another beyond the Sunday worship experience. Community Groups encourage individuals to do just that, in the comfort of a home setting or even online. Sharing, hospitality, and connecting in genuine, meaningful ways are all important functions of a Community Group as participants meet for meals, service projects, or bible study.

Congregational Care Team

Connect and Care For

Everyone wants to feel valued, connected, and cared for. At Gospel Chapel, one way we seek to meet this need is through our Congregational Care Team, a group consisting of pastors, elders, and leaders in our church who have a heart for people and who love to make connections. These connections are often simple acts – a phone call, email, or a conversation over coffee, but are vital to ensuring everyone feels cared for. Through them we learn how to serve one another, to encourage, and to pray for one another.


If you would like to have a member of our Congregational Care Team reach out to you regularly, or if you are interested in becoming a part of the team, please contact Pastor Doug Dunbar at


Woman Praying

If you would like to know more about prayer, how you can be involved in our Prayer Ministry, or how you can submit a prayer request, please click the following link: Prayer Ministry.

Ladies DBS

Ladies Discovery Bible Study

Ladies will have an opportunity to participate in the DBS (Discovery Bible Study Method). This method involves unpacking scripture and planning ways to share what we have learned from the text, as well as applying knowledge of the Gospel in seeking to meet the practical and spiritual needs of those around us. 

While childcare is not available at this time, mothers are welcome to bring their children to attend with them. Studies are held in the upper childcare room behind balcony seating.

Contact Lindsay at to be added to the email list or for more details!

Men's Group

Men's Group

Takes place at 6am every Friday at MW Electric (222 72nd Ave). Contact Derek at for more details.

Discovery Bible Study (DBS) - For Small Groups

What is a Discovery Bible Study?

"A Discovery Bible Study (DBS) is a discipleship study which enables people to read the Bible and discover what it has to say to them. Simple, memorable questions allow participants to understand the character of God, encourage them to obey what they are learning and help them to share it with others." (What is a Discovery Bible Study? (n.d.).

Learn more about (1) what makes a disciple, 2) how Jesus made disciples, and 3) how we can follow in his footsteps here.

Discovery Bible Studies are ideal for a group of 4-8 people. Start with a group of friends, family, or neighbors you know well, then consider who you might like to invite to a future study. The aim is to seek and save the lost, focusing on the few to reach the many by equipping each one with the Word and sending them out to do the same!

Each study consists of three parts:

1) Fellowship

2) Story

3) Application

Each part is essential to build relationships and trust, to increase memory and comprehension of the Word, and to help us to form a plan for applying what we've learned from scripture! For a simple study guide and a few ideas on where to start in scripture, visit: Discovery Bible Study – A safe place to see for yourself what the Bible says ( or download a printable study guide here: Easy Study Guide.


Freedom Session & Authentic Living

Through biblical teaching, small group discussion and personal reflection, this program offers individuals an opportunity to unpack their past, everything from unhealthy patterns of thought and addictions to family trauma and old wounds. Through a process of discipleship, Jesus is invited to heal, transform, and empower the lives of participants with a renewed sense of freedom and a renewed vision of their future. Click the image to learn more about Freedom Session, or forward your inquiries to Lead Pastor, Doug Dunbar, at View our 2022-2023 program schedule below. (This program has ended for the season.)

Freedom Session


 Schedule for the 2024-2025 ministry year will be available soon. Last year's schedule can be seen below as an example.

Freedom Session 2023-2024



This group is available to participants age 55 and up, meeting Wednesdays in the Fireside room from 10am-12pm. Please see our calendar for more details or contact leader Dan Dunbar at for more details!

Family Discipleship Nights

Look for monthly Family Discipleship Nights on our calendar!  These nights are a time to explore how we can better disciple our children and grandchildren, and better understand what discipleship truly means and looks like. This year, we will be exploring elements of discipleship and learning how to form specific goals for discipling our families throughout the year! 

Times and locations vary. Occasionally meals will be provided. Children are welcome and encouraged to attend.

To be added to our email list for these events, please contact our Discipleship Team Leader, Tim Metz, at